
Crafting call-to-action buttons (CTA) with the power of AI

Unlock the Potential Now Or Click Here?

CTA buttons have a significant impact on the conversion rate of digital assets, such as newsletters and landing pages. If button texts are written clearly and encourage action, they assist the target audience to understand “what’s at stake,” provide motivation to click, thereby substantially increasing click-through rates (CTRs).

What is a Call to Action Button?

A Call to Action (CTA) is a clear and focused directive that invites the visitor to perform a specific action, whether it’s subscribing to a newsletter, purchasing a product, joining a loyalty program, or any other active engagement.

Button - CTR - AI

How to Encourage Digital Audiences to Click?

Here are some tips for creating a call-to-action button that compels readers to click:

Define the Goal: Clearly map and understand marketing goals, focusing on one goal. Create a call-to-action button that encourages the desired action for achieving the goal.
A clear purpose makes it easier for readers to understand the intended action, increasing their likelihood of engaging.

Active encouragement for action: Ensure that your call-to-action is clear and focused. Readers should precisely understand what they are supposed to do. For instance, instead of writing “Watch the Video,” it’s better to say, “Watch Our New Video Now.”
The call-to-action should be compelling and directive, guiding readers toward the desired action.

Provide a stronger reason: The call-to-action should be unique and differentiating. It should stand out from the general content message. For example, instead of writing “Subscribe to Our Newsletter,” it’s better to say, “Subscribe to Our Newsletter and Get 10% Off Your First Order.”
The call-to-action should create a sense of urgency, making the reader feel they need to act now.

4. Fear of missing out (FOMO): The call-to-action should instill a sense of urgency. Readers should feel the need to act immediately. For example, instead of writing “Webinar Registration,” you can write “Limited Spots Available. Register Now!”
Creating a fear of missing out motivates the reader to take action promptly.

Placement: Location Matters – Position the call-to-action button in a place that integrates with the goal of the newsletter or landing page, where it stands out. Color can play a significant role here.
The call-to-action should be strategically placed to catch the reader’s attention and guide them toward the desired action.

Crafting AI-Enhanced Call-to-Action Texts

AI can be used to create effective call-to-action texts. AI can “read” the text before the button, identify factors influencing the conversion rate of calls to action (such as language, uniqueness, and a sense of urgency), and suggest wording options for your call-to-action button. During the editing process, after writing the content, the AI’s suggestion feature for the call-to-action button will present you with three options, and you can choose the most suitable one.

You can improve your engagement strategies by incorporating these tips into your call-to-action buttons and leveraging the power of AI to write compelling texts. Click with confidence and watch your audience respond!

What additional AI features does inwise offer?



AI-Powered Email Marketing: Boosting Campaign Performance with Data Analytics

Do you know the saying about “Wisdom in Hindsight”? In email marketing, it turns out to be quite relevant as well. One of the crucial steps in the email campaign process is what comes after sending it – analyzing the results. Why? In order to improve future campaigns.

If you’re a business owner or a marketing professional reading these words and wondering how to enhance your business’s campaigns, there’s a new player entering the scene to help you with precisely that.

First and foremost, why is it important to analyze our campaign results?

As business owners, you’ve probably sent marketing content to your customers, such as newsletters about new products or emails with various updates. Even though all the information is right in front of us – 3,000 openings, 600 clicks, and a CTR of 20%, but, what does that actually mean? Is it good? What can be improved, and how exactly?

This is where the analytics of campaign results comes into play. Campaign results are essentially the data and numbers received after sending the campaign to your contacts, including how many contacts the email was sent to, how many opened it, how many clicked on links, how many unsubscribes , and so on. Through the analytics of campaign results, we can gain insights into the marketing emails sent, learn what to change for the next campaign, and understand how to implement these changes.

Campaign analysis

What happens when AI and campaign analytics meet?

Like many other things, here too, AI makes our lives easier and more convenient. When it comes to email marketing, AI-driven campaign analytics becomes a very useful tool for analyzing campaign results, determining if they were successful or not, and improving them.

With inwise’s new feature, you can review, analyze, and make AI-based recommendations for improving the results of the campaigns sent. It’s as simple, fast, and convenient as it sounds, all accessible with a single click on the AI generator.

For example, if you sent an email campaign that didn’t yield good results, data analytics can show that the reason may be an overly long subject line. As a result, the analytics can recommend writing a shorter subject line for the next campaign. This way, data analytics helps you improve the upcoming campaigns you’ll send and create a more precise marketing strategy.

What are the benefits of AI-driven campaign analytics ?

There are various advantages to using artificial intelligence in campaign analytics , including:

Insights into campaign performance – AI provides insights into each campaign. For instance, if you sent a campaign without a call to action, the AI analytics feature can recommend adding one to the next campaign.

Identifying patterns and behaviors – AI is a tool that can tell you what works and what doesn’t in your campaigns, based on the behavior of your contacts. For example, if you included two links to different products in an email, and 90% of contacts clicked on the first one while only 10% clicked on the second, the AI will recommend focusing on a single link in each email to avoid missing important links or improving the wording of the second link.

Performance improvement – Based on your campaigns and your contacts’ behavior, the feature offers personalized tips. By utilizing these personal recommendations, you will be able to enhance the performance of your future emails.

Increasing revenue – Ultimately, a successful campaign leads to increased revenue. AI analytics will make your campaigns more successful. This can save time through retroactive analysis of various campaigns and, thanks to accurate reviews, guide the creation of future campaign strategies.

Despite all these benefits, it’s crucial to remember that a human perspective is still essential when it comes to artificial intelligence. While AI makes everything simpler and more convenient, your perspective is critical to ensure precise and suitable results for your business. Combining the advantages of AI technology with human expertise will lead to the most successful results when it comes to marketing emails, yielding high profits.

What additional AI features does inwise offer?




With the help of AI: The feature that writes excellent subject lines for your emails.

Writing effective subject lines for marketing emails can be challenging, especially if you send numerous emails in your business. Staying inspired, finding new ideas, and nailing the right tone can become increasingly difficult. So, what can you do? Well, that’s where technology comes into play, and to be precise, AI that generates exceptional subject lines for your marketing emails.

How can AI assist in writing subject lines?

Let’s first explain how AI technology works. AI relies on vast databases of content, including emails, and utilizes language processing algorithms and machine learning to identify patterns that lead to higher email open rates. With regard to subject lines, the technology analyzes a large number of subject lines and learns how to create content with accurate and high-quality subject lines.

inwise uses AI to create attractive subject lines

Through the AI feature in the email campaign subject line, allows you to receive data-driven and well-crafted subject lines that are action-prompting and non-spammy, with just a click.

How does it work? Once you have finished creating and editing your email campaign, the system uses AI technology to suggest subject line ideas. By clicking the button, you’ll have three different subject lines to choose from, eliminating the need to set up an AI prompt (a query or request explaining to AI features what text to create), saving you time and effort.

Subject line - AI - EN

Tips for writing subject lines with AI

There is no doubt that AI technology has revolutionized our lives in recent years, making things easier. However, like any other new technology, it is essential to cast a human eye over its output to check its quality. Even with the AI subject line feature, consider the following tips to improve your subject lines:

Check brand language presence – While the AI feature generates subject lines based on the content you wrote for the campaign, remember that it’s not a human who knows your brand well. Ensure that the subject lines reflect your brand’s language style. For example, if your brand speaks in a more casual tone, ensure the AI-generated subject lines reflect this.

Add a personal touch – It is always a good idea to add a personal reference to your contact in the subject line. When you address the recipients by name, you add a sense of credibility and a personal touch that increases the chances of the emails being opened. By clicking on the “Personal subject” field you can add a personal reference to the subject line

Focused subject lines -Our subject line generator uses AI technology to extract the essence of the text you wrote and create accurate subject line – but it is important to check that the resulting title reflects the overarching goal of your email.


The subject lines of campaigns should have a single, clear central theme. This way, readers understand the campaign’s purpose and what awaits them in the email body, so they can decide if the campaign is relevant to them. Suppose your email talks about a limited-time sale, be sure the subject line mentions it specifically.

Great subject lines are crucial for your business campaigns. Don’t hesitate to use AI technology to upgrade them and make them more accurate. Because when it comes to creating excellent marketing content, there’s nothing like data-driven insights and technology.

We invite you to try out the new feature in the inwise system, to create AI-powered subject lines that will take your business campaigns to the next level.

What additional AI features does inwise offer?



Getting Your Customers to Open Emails: The Successful Use of Preview Text in Your Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing messages can be categorized into two types: those swiftly discarded and those that spark the thought, “Hey, there might be something valuable here for me.” As business owners, your aim is to craft messages that fall into the latter category. This prompts the question: How do we achieve this?

Numerous methods exist for enhancing our marketing emails; however, a lesser-known yet highly effective approach involves utilizing Preview Text. This game-changing technique elevates the calibre of marketing emails and enhances open rates. Have we piqued your interest? Great, let’s delve straight into it.

What is Preview Text?

This is the text that appears as a preview next to the subject line in the inbox area, typically presented in a subtle grey color, which might vary slightly across different email providers. Its primary objective is to encapsulate the core content of the email, enticing customers to click and peruse the entire message.

There’s a tendency at times to conflate Preview Text with Preheader Text. However, Preheader Text is actually content extracted automatically from the campaign itself, typically derived from the initial paragraph or the upper portion of the email’s outset.

Why is it important to write Preview Text for your marketing emails?

Stand out from the competition

As previously discussed, Preview Text offers a notable edge in crafting marketing emails. However, many business owners remain entirely unaware of its existence. Crafting a successful preview text—one that manages to correspond with the subject line, creates interest, and drives action—will bestow your business with a substantial advantage, setting you apart from competitors within your customers’ inbox.

Intrigue the customers

An excellent subject line is certainly crucial when it comes to marketing emails – but even the best subject line you encounter will become much more complete and successful thanks to the Preview Text that complements it. While the subject line offers a glimpse into email content, Preview Text functions as an augmenting force, leveraging it. For example, if you’re planning to launch a new product: the subject line sets the stage, and the Preview Text acts as an amplifier, featuring additional details, a compelling call to action, and captivating content to heighten customer intrigue, ultimately driving them to open the email and explore the new product.

Be perceived less as spam

Marketing emails incorporating Preview Text are perceived as more amicable and less like spam. An effective text will create a positive impression towards your business, enhance credibility, and clearly reflect what content will appear in the body of the email – in contrast to messages without Preview Text that might appear robotic and questionable.

Increase the message opening percentage

Each received email undergoes an automated and anonymous evaluation, based on the sender’s name, subject line, and preview text. This quick assessment determines the email’s credibility and pertinence to us. A harmonious combination of the sender’s name, subject line, and preview text contributes to heightened email open rates.

How to write an excellent Preview Text?

Using the help of AI  – Using a content creation platform like ChatGPT can be invaluable in crafting an exceptional Preview Text that seamlessly complements the overall content of your marketing email. Here’s an instruction to generate a motivating Preview Text along with the complete email content, providing you with diverse options for compelling texts to consider:

Create a call to action and incorporate incentives – Crafting Preview Text with a strategic call to action or enticing incentives significantly heightens the likelihood of contacts engagement. It’s crucial to predetermine the precise action you aim to prompt in the contacts and only then write a short, focused text with a promise regarding the content that will be delivered in the full email. For instance, if you’re sending an email to promote lottery registration, formulate a Preview Text that highlights the registration opportunity and emphasizes the allure of an equitable prize awaiting the winners.

Write different text from the subject line – By the way, if you were curious – achieving the most from the Preview Text necessitates more than mere “copy and paste” of the subject line. Ensure to craft a dedicated text that aligns with and augments the subject line, enabling you to fully exploit its potential.

Combine the code that hides the Preheader Text – Lastly, an important tip from us – in the scenario where you’ve written a Preview Text that doesn’t reach the maximum character limit (up to 130 characters), the remaining characters are auto-filled from within the campaign content. To prevent that, add the following code after composing the Preview Text:

The code:  ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏  ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏

Subject Line: The Classic Way to Improve Your Email Open Rates

Some refer to it as intuition, while others call it a first impression. However, there’s no doubt that the time it takes us to form an opinion about something is relatively short. In just a few seconds, we can determine whether something is interesting, boring, excellent or not quite up to par. We apply these same judgments, among others, to the marketing emails we come across. And what aids us in making these decisions? A range of factors, including the subject line of the email (Email Subject Line).

What is the email subject line?

You know the first paragraph of text you see when you receive a new email? Allow us to introduce you to the subject line. The subject line, as its name implies, signifies the topic that a specific email will address. It serves as a teaser of the upcoming content, providing a concise preview of the campaign’s narrative.

The subject line is accompanied by two additional content areas that appear together in our email inbox: the sender’s name and the preview text. The synergy among these three elements holds significance for marketing campaigns, as it enhances the email’s credibility, clarity, and overall impression in the eyes of recipients regarding the sending business.

Why is it important to reference the subject line in campaigns?

The subject line offers us a primary impression of the entire email content, rendering it highly significant. Just how significant? A substantial 47% of email recipients decide whether to open a message solely based on the subject line, whereas a notable 69% of them will mark a message as spam due to the subject line. Frequently, these instances involve subject lines that lack a clear intent and origin, thus conveying an impression of being unnecessary.

Here is how to write the perfect subject line:

Short and to the point

Emails with relatively short subject lines (around 50 characters) tend to yield better open rates compared to those with longer subject lines. Maintaining concise subject lines enhances the refinement and clarity of the marketing message within the campaign, ultimately resulting in higher open rates for the campaigns.

Use the emotion

Research in the realm of marketing emphasises the effectiveness of emotion as a driving force – and its significance extends to the subject lines of your marketing emails. Aim to infuse the text with various emotions, ranging from curiosity and humour to urgency and poignant touchpoints. For example: if you want to advertise a sale that is about to end, create a subject line that focuses on the fear of missing the sale and encourage the feeling of FOMO (Fear of missing out) in the style of “only one more day for the 20% discount”.

Give your customers value

an excellent subject line is one that holds value within it. In other words, content that successfully convinces your customers that reading the email will provide them with relevant information that will enhance specific aspects of their lives. For example, if your business is a restaurant and you have a new vegan menu, share in the subject line about the new vegan dishes worth trying, and elaborate on them in the body of the email.

Conduct A/B Testing

When faced with the dilemma of choosing between two equally impressive subject lines, allow us to introduce you to one of the intelligent options within the inwise system: A/B Testing. When conducting an A/B test for email subject lines, it involves comparing two distinct titles you’ve crafted to discern which resonates more effectively with your contacts. You have the flexibility to predefine the percentage segments to which each version of the subject line will be dispatched, which to discard, and whether refinements can be made.

Use ChatGPT 

Ever had a brilliant subject line and then hit a creative roadblock while attempting to craft another? Or perhaps your well of original ideas ran dry? Give ChatGPT a try and utilize it to generate a subject line, then tailor the output to match the result precisely to your campaign.

What to avoid when writing a subject line?

Do not write the entire email in the subject line – The subject line functions as a movie trailer, offering a glimpse of the extensive content soon to land in the email. Opting to reveal the entire email content might render clicking redundant, ultimately impacting open rates negatively. Maintain the subject line’s brevity, informative nature, and inherent intrigue to warrant a click from the email recipient.

Avoid clickbait – To preserve your business’s credibility with contacts, it’s crucial to uphold consistency within the emails you send. Ensure that every marketing promise featured in the subject line aligned precisely with the content within the email body. Avoid including information in the subject line that diverges from the email’s content. For instance, if the subject line references an upcoming sale while the email body covers different details, you might sustain email open rates, but your business’s credibility could be compromised.

Do not use unnecessary words – As previously mentioned, the subject line should hover around 50 characters. Given this concise limit, it’s advisable to craft content where each word holds significance and purpose. Steer clear of extraneous words that might divert attention from the core message, and strive for a subject line that is both valuable and minimalist in nature.

Leveraging all these components (including elements like the sender’s name and Preview Text) will ensure that your business’s marketing emails remain impactful, of superior quality, and compelling to spur action.

What are landing pages and how can they help my business?

A simple browse online often reveals the phrase landing page, but what do we really know about this tool for our business?

Just like its name, a landing page is the place where the potential clients of your business land for the first time, and get the best glimpse at the product or service you provide.

This page will usually not be your home page or online store, but rather a completely separate external page, containing one goal that you choose to promote with your business. This page contains all the relevant information that will lead the visitor to purchase or close a deal.

Common uses for landing pages

Landing pages can have different purposes, which affects the type of content and design. Here are some examples of the more common types of landing pages that can be found online:

Signup form for updates:

Using a registration form for updates, you can create a contact list of potential clients for your business. This mailing list can be used by you for mailing special offers, valuable content, and important updates about your business.

Landing page - Signup

Contact information form (leads form):

A landing page whose purpose is to collect contact information should include all the information relevant to the visitor so that they will feel the desire and confidence to leave their contact information for the rest of the sales process (usually they will receive a call to schedule a meeting or to clarify final details before ordering/purchasing).


Event registration form:

A landing page that allows you to register for a conference, workshop or webinar is very popular. It is important to describe the content of the activity on the page as well as the lecturers, the schedule, and of course operational information such as address, directions, parking, etc.

Party registration

What is the recommended structure for landing pages?

There are two ways to build and design your landing page. For each – there are advantages and disadvantages and above all – suitability for different uses.

Short and to the point – the short landing page is designed to ‘get the job done’. In a few seconds, it must explain to the client what solution your business has to offer. On a short landing page, the margin of maneuver for marketing content foreplay, recommendations, and bombastic headlines is smaller. It will usually include a prominent title, a short and catchy text about the solution, highlight the value (for example a particularly interesting offer), and of course – the send button.

Long and planned – the purpose of long landing pages is to “pre-cook” the visitor towards the sales process. They are full of content and examples from the field. This type of landing page is suitable for the marketing of workshops, or services and products that require an explanation and preparation of the ground, to name a few examples. Landing pages of this type are designed in a more marketing oriented way, they emphasize the benefits of the product in a very prominent way and significantly increase the chance of closing a deal with those who contact you through your landing page.

How will visitors get to my landing page?

After designing the landing page, we will receive a link that clicking on it will show the page to visitors.

The link can be posted in a Facebook ad, a sponsored Google campaign, or even an email or SMS campaign. If your landing page is designed to increase your contact list, it is recommended that you set it up as a permanent link from your Facebook page.

Easily create a landing page for yourselves (and by yourselves)

If you have come across landing pages throughout your working day, you must have assumed that this is an expensive service or one that requires you to hire graphic designers and programmers.

We have some good news, it is as easy as it is effective.

Using the inwise system, creating a designed and effective landing page becomes a simple and quick task. You can choose your template out of a wide variety of designs and publish them immediately.

For more information

Don’t Fear Pop-Ups, Embrace the Opportunities They Bring

5-10 percent of conversions from visitors to customers is a respectable figure in terms – this is the statistic we know today in regard to the use of pop-ups in a marketing campaign. Despite these statistics, which to a professional eye sounds like a fantastic scenario, many website owners are still on the fence regarding the use of the popup windows, the same ones which we have all learned to hate.
In this article, we will try to present a quick scan of the scenarios, advantages, and disadvantages and examine whether pop-ups are more annoying than advertisements that pop up on the screen and how they can be used in a way that will actually make the user contact us.

Popup image

Not just an ad – what are the pop-ups used for?

Pop-ups, those same signup forms that pop up, are used to collect leads and expand the distribution list. They are therefore suitable for all types of websites: sales, information, services, blogs, and more.
The pop-ups provide us with a window, literally, for broad marketing and business work. If we wish to get creative, we will use them to motivate our site users to take significant actions: from leaving details and signup for updates to adding items to their shopping carts.

Sign up for mailings and updates and basically – collect new leads

The most popular use of pop-ups is signup for updates. An offer for surfers to sign up for the contact list in order to receive added value, for example – content to be sent by email. This is the place to create a precise and short message, which will suit the target audience, speak to them in a language they know and connect with, and most importantly, give an apparent and worthwhile reason for subscribing.
For example, if we are talking about a store for fashionistas, we could recommend they leave their contact information and be the first to hear about the new items in the collection, before everyone else.
On a site whose target audience is people from the marketing industry, using the pop-up we could invite them to receive updates on the latest articles in the field.

Direct contact – by phone or through the website

By using a popup, we could allow a user visiting our site to leave their information so that we can contact them directly by phone, for scheduling an appointment, receiving details about the service we offer, or further information about our product.
In this pop-up, the offer should be very specific and direct – leave a phone number to get more details.

Directing to a blog

A blog is an excellent tool for marketing and creating interest in the business and the person leading it. Using a pop-up, we can insert links to your blog, invite the user to our site, and read an article on the blog that speaks more elaborately on the topic of the page they are visiting. This way, we will make the user know us better, connect with us and eventually also purchase a product or service from us.

Update on special events

Whether it’s a new workshop or an upcoming lecture, a pop-up is a great way to update users and encourage people to sign up. If you are starting a new cake-baking workshop, you can inform the users of your baking blog about it with a pop-up.

Here are our 5 top tips for a popup design

  • It is important to design the popup in the same colors as your logo or branding – so that it matches the look of the website.
  • And yet – make it interesting and have it stand out.
  • The wording must be short and catchy and above all – contain a clear call for a certain action.
  • One call for action in each popup will increase registration and incoming leads.
  • Creative, personal and in the language of the target audience – this is how you create conversions.

In an era where exposure on social networks is becoming challenging, a popup is a great way to establish direct and immediate contact with website visitors and generate high-quality leads. The secret is to experiment, examine which design and wording work best and sit back and enjoy high conversion rates.

Enhancing your business’s digital cloud marketing with AI technologies and Chat GPT

It seems lately that it has become impossible to have a day pass by without hearing people talk about AI technologies (Artificial Intelligence).
Terms such as “AI Image Generator” or “ChatGPT” have become present almost everywhere, so much so that we can no longer ignore the presence and potential hidden in these technologies.

So what is AI Technologies?

Artificial intelligence is the ability of technological devices to perform different human actions. To summarize the complicated technical and complex explanation in one sentence, AI is an enormous collection of algorithms enabling technical devices to precisely imitate and implement human actions.
The good and most recent news is about Generative AI technologies. Artificial intelligence creates completely new content, from scratch. These technologies enable generating visual content (such as photos, drawings, and artworks) as well as written content. Software such as Generative AI are based on written descriptions, out of which they create brand-new content.

How can these AI technologies be used?

Chatbots – you know those chats that appear at the bottom of various websites? The answers to the questions you send there are fast, intelligent, and humanlike, and are in fact a conversation created using AI technologies. The intelligent texts are written quickly while adapting their style and content to the person chatting with them.

Creating images – one of the most amazing things is the ability to create brand-new photos using AI technologies. How does it work? You open an AI software specializing in creating images, type a short description of the image you wish to create and after several moments you will receive a new creation, a result of your imagination created by the technology.

Writing texts – if writing is something that doesn’t come easy to you, AI is here to help you with that as well. There are several software that will help you write paragraphs and even full articles (mainly in the field of SEO). All you have to do is provide it with a short explanation of what you would like the text to speak about.

Create image with AI - Robot

How can you use AI technologies to market your business?

The benefits of the AI world slowly seep into a variety of fields – among which, is digital marketing. Assuming you wish to dive into the AI universes and experiment with incorporating the different technologies into marketing your digital business, here are some ideas you could implement:

Writing texts for text messages (SMS) – marketing using text messages is an efficient and wonderful tool, and using AI technologies will upgrade it greatly. For example, if you need an idea for a message informing you about a sale in your business, you could ask ChatGPT to write the text for you.

Writing newsletters – no doubt that when speaking about regularly writing content that repeats itself, creativity and originality could become a challenge. Here, you can use the content technologies to assist you in finding new and refreshing ideas for your business newsletter.

Personalization – among many incredible advantages of AI, one of its strongest features is its speed. In the case of creating personalized content, this is a huge advantage since the software enables creating a number of different versions for one message. For example, if you wish to inform two different target audiences of the same sale, let’s say younger and older people, you could easily create two versions of the text, each addressing a different audience, informing them about the same in an adapted and appropriate style.

Email titles – using AI will allow constant optimization of your marketing email titles. You can get ideas for a variety of different titles and edit A/B testing for them.
Drafts for blog articles – if you have written an article for a blog before, you must know how exhausting assembling the information could be. Here, you can use ChatGPT for a specific inquiry that, in one text, will assemble all the answers you’ll need following the research – and you can use that as a first draft for writing your article.

Research – unlike search engines that send us to a wide variety of different sources of information when we raise an inquiry, software such as ChatGPT provides us with precise and comprehensive answers in one place. This way, the next time you need to find an explanation for a presentation of a text you are writing, you can take this shortcut and receive an answer faster.

Images – finding photos for newsletters, articles, and posts for social media is a real challenge. When searching the web – we won’t always manage to find just the right image for us, or we risk encountering copyright issues. If we wish to create images from scratch, we would have to go to a graphic designer, which could lead to a long waiting time until we receive the version we are looking for, alongside the high costs it will incur. To make this challenge a bit easier, you can use AI Image Generators to easily and quickly create your visual content.

There is no doubt that welcoming AI technologies into the marketing world is a huge deal. We are currently witnessing the first stages of a revolution that will change the world of creating content and marketing as we know them, and that is definitely exciting. That being said, it is important to remember – in spite of the high intelligence of the technology, it is yet to replace the human brain.
In addition, most technologies are mainly focused on the English language, and their performances in other languages are quite lacking and imprecise.
That is why it is important to carefully review the content the softwares provides, find mistakes and refine the outcomes so that they match your specific vision.

So how do we go on from here? Start by creating an email campaign and ask the help of ChatGPT for ideas for subtitles, finding proven information for writing, and formulating a winning email title. In your campaign, integrate images you create yourselves using Dall-E 2 or Midjourney. It is a chance for you to innovate and improve your digital marketing skills.

Afraid of Spam? The Full Guide to Spam-Free Business Emails

There is no doubt that the ability of email companies to screen spam content that can harm their clients is definitely important. But what happens when we are on the other side of the coin?
As business owners, we will sometimes experience the less pleasant side of spam – when some of the emails we send will be classified as spam messages (by the email systems, or by the clients) which will damage our ability to market using email.

A bit about Gmail and spam

Gmail operates according to algorithms based on the database of its users. Meaning, messages that recipients marked as “spam” or “promotion” in the past will also be sent into these folders in other accounts. It is therefore likely that if your emails were marked by your clients in this way in the past, they will continue to end up in these folders accordingly and may also reach the spam folder of other clients.

Sounds like an undesirable scenario? Indeed. Is there anything you can do to avoid it? Absolutely!
We have compiled for you all the actions that should be avoided, along with the actions that are important to implement, to ensure that the business emails you send will continue to safely reach their destination in the inbox.

Don’ts (because if you do, you will probably find your emails in the spam folder)

  • Don’t spam them: we know it’s tempting to send emails to your clients, even if they didn’t necessarily approve their address on the mailing list. Despite the temptation – avoid it, and be sure to only send emails to contacts who have confirmed the receipt of mailings from you.
  • Dosage is key: we live in a time of overflowing content everywhere – even in our email inbox. Think about your clients when you send the messages, and try not to overwhelm them with unnecessary content, since they are already receiving a huge amount of emails as it is. Carefully choose the contents you wish to send, make sure they are valuable and justify the email- so that you don’t find yourself classified as spam.
  • Avoid spammy words: email companies identify certain words as spam, and transfer emails that include them to the promotion or spam folder. Avoid phrases like: “free gift”, “100% free” “start earning x dollars”, “bank” or “Paypal”, and also avoid exclamation marks or question marks.

Do’s (and help your emails reach their destination)

  • Send emails only to clients who have approved the reception: sending emails to users outside the contact list is a “big no-no”, same as purchasing mailing lists, which will lower your reliability index with the email companies. Our recommendation: beyond focusing on the mailing list, perform a Double Opt-in (additional confirmation of the contacts to join the mailing list), to make sure that your clients are indeed interested in being included in the mailing list.
  • Send messages gradually and in small doses: one of the most useful and effective tools of the inwise system is regulating the number of emails, which significantly improves the status of your business in the eyes of email companies. The system will define a low sending rate and gradually increase it over time. It will then allow you to control the number of emails sent, limiting the amount and the duration of the mailing.
  • Create emails that call to action: messages that contain call-to-action content (for example: a thank you email that invites your recipient to enter the website using a coupon code) will encourage your recipients to want to continue receiving emails from you, and accordingly, to mark your messages as desired – which will raise the status of the emails you send.
  • Adding your business to the contact list: a good way to reach the inbox is when your business is defined by clients as a contact on their list or as a member of their “safe senders” list. The way to do it is by sending an email asking them to define you as a contact on these lists, and even offer a unique gift or discount for those who do so. How do you do it? Just like this.
  • Clearly present your business: Make sure that the presence of your business is clear in every email you send – using colors, logo, sender address, return address and content. Maintaining transparency in this aspect is crucial, as it is important that your recipients will be able to easily and quickly recognize the source of the email sent to them.
  • High-quality and relevant content: When sending business content to your clients, it is important to have a reason in doing so. Writing high-quality content with added value for clients (for example: if your business is an online shop, you can send a list of smart shopping tips for “Black Friday”) will be useful and interesting, and will increase the chance of your clients wanting to continue receiving messages from you. In addition, make sure that the buttons lead to the correct links, that there are no spelling mistakes, and that the spaces and punctuation are correct.
  • The design of the emails: designed emails are a wonderful thing, however, it is important to make sure that the content is not lost within them. If the design of your email is made in HTML, make sure it also includes text, so that even if the image doesn’t open, clients will know what the email is about, so they don’t classify it as spam.
  • Installing SPF/DKIM/Domain Keys on your server: this is another tool of the inwise system to prevent your businesses from being flagged as spam senders. This is a fairly effective insurance that will help you continue sending marketing messages without interruption and makeֶ sure that they reach the main inbox.

We hope that we managed to make some sense in the big and complex mess of the spam world. Now, all that is left for you is to apply the “Do’s” list, avoid the “Don’ts”, and of course – use inwise for everything you need.

How to prevent your next email from being classified as Spam?

Imagine the following scenario: you’ve created a marketing email for your business, you’ve come up with an awesome title, precise text, and you’ve even gone all the way and created an amazing graphics design. You then send the email to your contact list, and you find out that it ended up in the worst place: the spam folder.

Your email goes a long way until it reaches your clients. The journey begins with the transitioning between servers and Internet providers, corporate servers, and various software – and in each encounter, there are various filters that will scan your email and examine it, to determine whether it should have reached the inbox or spam folder.

What’s the story behind “Spam” messages?

Spam is in fact the modern name for “junk mail”. The various email systems (Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc.) have learned to recognize certain emails as a nuisance – detect if they contain viruses, content that might seem suspicious, or if they were sent to recipients who did not confirm receipt of those emails. Emails that are classified as “Spam” will be sent to the spam folder, where the recipients can choose whether to open them or not (spoiler alert: they will probably never open them).

Why do your emails end up in the spam folder?

With the help of algorithms, various email providers have learned how to automatically identify spam messages. Although the ways in which the algorithms work aren’t always revealed to the general public, what we do know is that they are based on databases of user reports. The users mark whether the message they received is indeed spam or not, and thus different systems know how to classify the emails as spam when necessary.

Which messages will be classified as spam by email companies? For example, messages with fake email addresses, messages that are sent from an unverified sender, messages without content, phishing scams (fraud that “fishes” confidential information about users, while impersonating as fake websites), emails that violate the policy defined by the email system (such as companies that send messages to clients who have not confirmed receipt of emails in a distribution list), or additional messages sent by an entity that was previously reported as a spam sender.

Apart from screening spam emails, the “deliverability” of the email is of great importance. The email systems examine the level of reputation of the entity sending the emails, as well as the level of quality and reliability of the server from which the email was sent. Therefore, to prevent your emails from reaching the spam folder, it is important to maintain reliable and high-quality servers, allow replying to emails, having a sender address that includes a name (not a No-reply for example) and an ending that is not of the free e-mail systems.

This is how inwise prevents emails from reaching spam

In most cases, the spam screening made by email companies works wonderfully. But what happens when it makes a mistake and chooses to screen the emails you send on behalf of your business to your clients? To avoid this frustrating scenario, we, at inwise, have created a system that offers a number of smart solutions that will help the emails you send reach the inbox destination:

Anti-spammers is us

inwise is committed to an anti-spam policy and operates according to its rules. What does that mean?

  • Monitoring contact lists – we go through each contact list to make sure they are authorized and approved lists. Every account opened at inwise undergoes a strict examination in which we require information before confirming the activity of the account (among other things – the source of the contact list) out of fear of spammers.
  • The sending address – every email we send must include the address of the sending business so that the contacts can identify the source of the message and even send a response when necessary.
  • Content monitoring – all emails sent through our system are examined and monitored, so that offensive or inappropriate messages will be deleted immediately.
  • Unsubscribe – the emails sent from us include a link to unsubscribe from the contact list, so that, if necessary, the contacts who receive the messages can easily remove themselves from the contact list.
  • Keeping a close relationship with Internet companies – increases the chances that the emails we send safely arrive at their destination. In addition, in exceptional cases of reports made by senders, we examine the cases and handle them in the most comprehensive manner.

Making sure you are-really-you

In a time where phishing comes from everywhere we look, protecting you is our top priority.

  • Using DKIM, SPF and Domain keys, we make sure that your domain address (the address from which you sent the email) matches your business domain. The purpose isֶֶ to prevent third parties from trying to impersonate you, or defraud using your name. For example, when receiving an email from, we make sure that it is indeed the Post office, and not an entity trying to use the name of the post office and defraud clients.
  • What happens in cases where large companies block and screen emails sent to employees for information security purposes? We directly contact the IT departments of the companies to open the traffic of emails sent through the Inwise system.

Automatic removal of contacts

If a certain client reported an email you sent as spam, we will make sure to automatically remove them from the contact list so that no further messages are sent to them.

  • We allow adding a button that allows reporting a certain email as spam(by the way, the Internet companies also have a button that allows submitting a complaint and reporting spammers).
  • In addition, our system receives an alert when a recipient complains about spam, makes sure to remove them from the mailing list and examines the sender.


There are cases in which an email you sent will not reach its destination (due to an incorrect address, the recipient’s mailbox is full, or a variety of other reasons).

  • Assuming such a scenario exists, inwise tries to send the message to the contact a specified number of times. In case the email is not sent, it stops the sending attempts so that the mail servers will not recognize it as spam – since, if we keep on sending the message again and again, it will consider these attempts as malicious action.

These are just some of the actions that inwise performs for its clients. The variety of actions performed by the system are designed to maintain the flow of your business emails, the image of your business, and the quality of your marketing activities.