How to prevent your next email from being classified as Spam?

Imagine the following scenario: you’ve created a marketing email for your business, you’ve come up with an awesome title, precise text, and you’ve even gone all the way and created an amazing graphics design. You then send the email to your contact list, and you find out that it ended up in the worst place: the spam folder.

Your email goes a long way until it reaches your clients. The journey begins with the transitioning between servers and Internet providers, corporate servers, and various software – and in each encounter, there are various filters that will scan your email and examine it, to determine whether it should have reached the inbox or spam folder.

What’s the story behind “Spam” messages?

Spam is in fact the modern name for “junk mail”. The various email systems (Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc.) have learned to recognize certain emails as a nuisance – detect if they contain viruses, content that might seem suspicious, or if they were sent to recipients who did not confirm receipt of those emails. Emails that are classified as “Spam” will be sent to the spam folder, where the recipients can choose whether to open them or not (spoiler alert: they will probably never open them).

Why do your emails end up in the spam folder?

With the help of algorithms, various email providers have learned how to automatically identify spam messages. Although the ways in which the algorithms work aren’t always revealed to the general public, what we do know is that they are based on databases of user reports. The users mark whether the message they received is indeed spam or not, and thus different systems know how to classify the emails as spam when necessary.

Which messages will be classified as spam by email companies? For example, messages with fake email addresses, messages that are sent from an unverified sender, messages without content, phishing scams (fraud that “fishes” confidential information about users, while impersonating as fake websites), emails that violate the policy defined by the email system (such as companies that send messages to clients who have not confirmed receipt of emails in a distribution list), or additional messages sent by an entity that was previously reported as a spam sender.

Apart from screening spam emails, the “deliverability” of the email is of great importance. The email systems examine the level of reputation of the entity sending the emails, as well as the level of quality and reliability of the server from which the email was sent. Therefore, to prevent your emails from reaching the spam folder, it is important to maintain reliable and high-quality servers, allow replying to emails, having a sender address that includes a name (not a No-reply for example) and an ending that is not of the free e-mail systems.

This is how inwise prevents emails from reaching spam

In most cases, the spam screening made by email companies works wonderfully. But what happens when it makes a mistake and chooses to screen the emails you send on behalf of your business to your clients? To avoid this frustrating scenario, we, at inwise, have created a system that offers a number of smart solutions that will help the emails you send reach the inbox destination:

Anti-spammers is us

inwise is committed to an anti-spam policy and operates according to its rules. What does that mean?

  • Monitoring contact lists – we go through each contact list to make sure they are authorized and approved lists. Every account opened at inwise undergoes a strict examination in which we require information before confirming the activity of the account (among other things – the source of the contact list) out of fear of spammers.
  • The sending address – every email we send must include the address of the sending business so that the contacts can identify the source of the message and even send a response when necessary.
  • Content monitoring – all emails sent through our system are examined and monitored, so that offensive or inappropriate messages will be deleted immediately.
  • Unsubscribe – the emails sent from us include a link to unsubscribe from the contact list, so that, if necessary, the contacts who receive the messages can easily remove themselves from the contact list.
  • Keeping a close relationship with Internet companies – increases the chances that the emails we send safely arrive at their destination. In addition, in exceptional cases of reports made by senders, we examine the cases and handle them in the most comprehensive manner.

Making sure you are-really-you

In a time where phishing comes from everywhere we look, protecting you is our top priority.

  • Using DKIM, SPF and Domain keys, we make sure that your domain address (the address from which you sent the email) matches your business domain. The purpose isֶֶ to prevent third parties from trying to impersonate you, or defraud using your name. For example, when receiving an email from, we make sure that it is indeed the Post office, and not an entity trying to use the name of the post office and defraud clients.
  • What happens in cases where large companies block and screen emails sent to employees for information security purposes? We directly contact the IT departments of the companies to open the traffic of emails sent through the Inwise system.

Automatic removal of contacts

If a certain client reported an email you sent as spam, we will make sure to automatically remove them from the contact list so that no further messages are sent to them.

  • We allow adding a button that allows reporting a certain email as spam(by the way, the Internet companies also have a button that allows submitting a complaint and reporting spammers).
  • In addition, our system receives an alert when a recipient complains about spam, makes sure to remove them from the mailing list and examines the sender.


There are cases in which an email you sent will not reach its destination (due to an incorrect address, the recipient’s mailbox is full, or a variety of other reasons).

  • Assuming such a scenario exists, inwise tries to send the message to the contact a specified number of times. In case the email is not sent, it stops the sending attempts so that the mail servers will not recognize it as spam – since, if we keep on sending the message again and again, it will consider these attempts as malicious action.

These are just some of the actions that inwise performs for its clients. The variety of actions performed by the system are designed to maintain the flow of your business emails, the image of your business, and the quality of your marketing activities.