How Words Will Come Easily: Content Writing with AI

Words don’t always come easily to us. But in certain situations, this happens even more – when we want to update our users about a new feature, send a marketing email that will catch the attention of as many people as possible, or direct them to a landing page that won’t stop converting. At these very moments, words might get a little confused, change order, and become somewhat unclear.

However, there is one unique tool that manages to easily and elegantly skip over this obstacle. Some even describe it as superhuman – and rightly so. Our new AI (artificial intelligence) feature can draft engaging and witty subject lines for you, write clear and convincing text on landing pages, and even create original call-to-action buttons that will make your recipients click on them. The feature can also learn your unique language, understand the tone and style, and in short: enable you to produce high-quality marketing content easily and quickly. Here’s how you can work with it:

Text with AI

Give Instructions

 The way to work with an AI tool is through prompts, in simple words: instructions about the content you want to receive. When you are creating an email campaign, pop-up, landing page, or any type of marketing content, you can hover over any text component with the mouse, and a floating menu will show an AI icon. Clicking on it will open a window where you can write the prompt for the text you want to receive. In just a few seconds, you’ll get the relevant text, and if necessary, you can edit or refine it. This saves the need to work separately with other AI systems, making the process convenient, easy, and simple. The AI writing feature and the icon will appear in all parts of the content you produce – from subject lines, through headlines and paragraphs, and finally: call-to-action buttons.

Be Specific

 The way to get a clear, precise prompt tailored to your needs is through accurate, detailed instructions that provide the general direction. A prompt like “Write a marketing email for new customers” will yield relatively generic results compared to a prompt like “Write a humorous and intriguing marketing email for customers in their twenties who joined the app in the last month and made their first order.”

Meet the Automatic Editor

 Do you already have a text and just need to make adjustments? You can also use AI here. You can do this to shorten or lengthen texts, adjust their tone and style (formal, casual), and even match subject lines to existing paragraphs.

Remember: We Write Together

 The AI feature can provide excellent results, learn your language and messages, and even surprise you. It’s definitely possible to give it the reins, but just remember that with all the sophistication and technology, it’s still artificial intelligence. Therefore, it’s a good idea to review the produced texts, read them out loud if necessary, and put yourself in the shoes of your readers or users. This way, you can see if the content appears “human,” evokes the right emotion or interest, and fits the messages you wanted to convey. Or in short, make just the final adjustments before distributing.

Content Writing with AI is a feature that can make the entire process of producing marketing content easy, intuitive, and time-saving. Clear instructions, accuracy, and a small personal touch from us will make the most out of it.

What additional AI features does inwise offer?