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Using an A-B Testing campaign, you can create up to 8 different versions for your email campaign, to choose the most effective version. You can select and combine variants like title, sender, and content. You can even test two different delivery times and their effect on the campaign’s success.
Creating up to 8 versions of your campaign is much easier than you think. For example, you can combine 2 different titles, 2 senders and 2 content types, or any other combination. The campaign versions will be sent to a trial group, with any number of contacts, the recipients randomly chosen from the contacts you’ve selected.
After sending the trial campaign, the system will show you the success rates for each version, or combination of variants you’ve selected.
The system can decide, according to various parameters (open or click rates) on the final version that will be sent to the rest of your contact list, after a predefined interval (for example, after a day of sending the campaign to the trial group).
You can also select the final version yourself, and send the campaign manually.